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Business Resources to Expand, Relocate or Start Up in Pittsburgh

These business resources can offer guidance on taxes, incentives, locations and more.

City of Pittsburgh Incentive Programs

The Local Economic Revitalization Tax Act (LERTA) provides for the abatement of new City of Pittsburgh taxes created via qualified renovations, improvements, or redevelopment or a commercial or residential building. 

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
dedicates tax increments to finance the debt issued to pay for the project and is typically used for publicly planned and financed redevelopment projects that lead to an increased value of the surrounding real estate.

Pennsylvania State Programs

The Keystone Innovation Zone Tax Credit Program (KIZ) provides rapidly growing companies an opportunity to fund growth through sellable tax credits. Companies located in a designated KIZ zone may be eligible for tax credits amounting to 50 percent of year-over-year revenue growth, not to exceed $100,000 annually for up to seven years. See eligibility map below.

Research and Development Tax Credits (R&D) are available to businesses who are incurring qualified expenses for research and development. The tax credits can also be sold or assigned and may be applied to no more than 75 percent of the tax liability of the purchaser or assignee.

The Job Creation Tax Credit Program (JCTC) provides a tax credit for each new family-sustaining job created. These credits can be applied to a business' state Corporate Net Income. Taxes are not sellable or transferable but can be carried forward for five years.

Workforce Development Programs


Partner4Work, through its key partnership with PA CareerLink Pittsburgh/Allegheny County, can help businesses pay to hire and train new staff in the Pittsburgh area. Partner4Work’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) On-the-Job Training (OJT) Policy outlines how training funds are to be administered in Pittsburgh/Allegheny County to train adults in skills required for High Priority Occupations (HPOs). Employers who participate in this program receive training reimbursements as well as help finding candidates with the right aptitude and attitude for a job, and developing a training plan to make sure the candidate has the right skills for the job. Learn more here.

Mined Minds

Mined Minds’ goal is to promote growth of technological education, mainly computer programming, for economically disadvantaged areas in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and to people of all backgrounds. Mined Minds offers a staged approach to transitioning into a career in tech. Training starts with a 16-week bootcamp covering the basics of software development. Graduates then transition to a 16-week pre-apprenticeship to work on real projects with software consultants. At this stage, they are ready for a full apprenticeship program, or employment. Learn more here.


Personal Income Tax 3.07% (flat rate)
Corporate Income Tax 9.99% (flat rate)
State Sales Tax 6%
Allegheny County Sales Tax 1%


For more information, please email Tom Link.

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